The supplies that will be needed for packing are the following:
- Sturdy boxes/storage bins
- Bubble wrap
- Newspaper/packing paper
- Packing tape
- Scissors
- Sharpies
- Disposable plastic mattress covers

Tips for Labelling
Any box which contains delicate items should be marked as fragile.
Label boxes by their unloading destination like the bedroom number, office number, garage, etc.
Make sure that the labels are large and visible on the top of the boxes.
Keeping your things organized before we arrive will save you both time and money.
It would save time if you keep all the boxes together which need to move.
Keep lighter boxes on the top of heavy boxes, never keep anything heavy over lighter ones.
Keep boxes which are labelled as fragile at a safe place.
Keeping everything prepared before the moving date can make moving go smoothly.
Keep your driveway clear before our arrival.
You can get free boxes from any liquor shop, walmarts, or any grocery store. Boxes for kitchenware, wardrobe, or any other specific items can be purchased online.
If you have any large mirrors, TVs, or any other large glass thing, we will take care of its packing.
Make sure that the aquariums or any other animal enclosures are emptied before our arrival so that the moving can go quickly.
Please make sure that any kind of pet is not present at the moving place, for the pet’s protection.
Remove the light bulbs from the lamps before they are moved.
Please let us know before if you have any oversized items like piano or large safes, etc. We offer our moving services for piano, large gun safes, etc.